Dealer Toolbox

Welcome to the Wooded River Dealer Toolbox

Here you will find all sorts of resources curated specifically to help our dealer network be as successful as possible with Wooded River. Keep checking back periodically, as we will be continuing to add more content and videos. And if you are looking for a specific topic that isn’t covered below, please reach out to your Account Manager and we would be more than happy to add it to our development cue if it isn’t there already!

Training Videos

Listed by topic, these videos are a valuable resource for those learning about our products and what makes Wooded River unique.

General Information Videos

Wooded River Company Introduction: This video gives a high level overview of Wooded River. 

Product Line Videos

Washable Wool Solids Collection: Create your own ensemble using our Signature Washable Wool Collection which includes bed scarfs and pillow sets.

Links & Downloads

Looking for more information on Wooded River’s products and dealer information? Here is the place!

Digital Catalog Links

Wooded River Digital Catalog: Flip through our digital catalog.
Big House Fabrics Digital Catalog: See all of the upholstery fabric options offered through our sister company: Big House Fabrics!
Fireside Lodge Furniture Digital Catalog: View all of the furniture options offered through Fireside Lodge Furniture Company.

Custom Product Options

Looking for custom product options? This is the spot! Download and fill out the forms below and return to your account representative to start the process.

Bed Cover Form: Whether you need a duvet cover, a coverlet, or bedspread, this is the form to get your custom cover started!
Bedscarf Form: Make a bed just that much more accented with a bedscarf.
Bedskirt Form: Don’t want to skirt out on beskirts? This is the form for you!
Drape Form: Looking to have a custom drape? We’ve got you covered.
Pillow Form: The phrase “as cool as the other side of the pillow” means more when you can customize it.
Standard and King Sham Form: For your custom shams, make them the real deal.
Table Runner Form: Make your custom table runner a front-runner.
Valance Form: Find balance with a custom valance.

Documents & Downloads

Wooded River Samples Program: Interested in receiving or ordering our samples? Check out our samples program.
Cut & Sew: Learn about our cutting and sewing capabilities.
Sizing Chart: Check out our sizing chart to make sure everything measures up.
Big House FAQ: We’re working along side Big House Fabrics. We’ve answered the most common questions in this PDF.
Warranty: Review our manufacturer’s warranty.

Other Helpful Links

LVM Tour: Take a virtual tour of our Las Vegas Market showroom!